Prayer is the foundation of the Orthodox way of life.
What is Prayer? It is a dialogue between you and God. It unites your soul with
God. It is through prayer that you unite with God and receive the gift of His
grace to aid you in overcoming your passions and living life based on love.
Through prayer you also learn to control the distractions of your mind,
allowing you to become more watchful and focused in your daily activities.
Prayer is the key to entering a life based on the virtues.
How do you pray? First, establish a regular
time and a private place.
You should have a specific rule for both morning and evening. Don’t try to
“wing it.” This is not a relaxation exercise, but a path of communion with your
God. You will benefit from having a specific set of guidelines that you follow
each time with no excuses for short-cutting them. In your rule, incorporate
standing, prostrations, kneeling, making the sign of the cross, reading, and at
times singing. Use prayer books and written prayers. The Orthodox prayer books
are filled with prayers that have been well-tested and used for hundreds of
years. Prayer does not need to be a creative activity. Above all, you need to
be sincere. Keep your awareness in your heart and concentrate on the words of
the prayer. Once you establish a rule, always keep it. Work with your spiritual
Father on this.
You begin praying by focusing your consciousness in your
heart and forcibly gathering there all the powers of your soul and body. Before you start your prayers,
take time to quiet yourself and to concentrate your energies in your heart.
Christ says, “Enter into thy closet and ... shut thy door” (Mt 6:6). Remove all
activities that could disrupt your inner descent. Set aside, to the best of
your ability, all of your problems of the day and your worries for tomorrow.
This is not a time for thinking or worrying. When you are preparing to pray,
stand, sit or walk a few minutes and steady your mind to concentrate on God.
Reflect on who it is that you will be addressing. Remember, it is God Himself,
the Creator of All, with whom you are about to talk. Try to hold in your heart
a feeling of humility and reverent awe. If you are able, make some prostrations
before you begin.
As you begin to pray, enter into every word of the
prayer. Bring the meaning of the words down into your heart. Do not rush
through the prayers like you are in a hurry to finish them. Let the words of
the prayer slowly drop into the depths of your heart with humility and awe of
God. You need to slow your mind down so you can concentrate solely on your
prayer. It’s somewhat like driving a car. When you are going 90 miles per hour
down the highway, you may feel exhilarated, powerful and in control. But, at
high speeds things can go wrong quickly. But, when you slow down and drive at a
speed of twenty-five miles per hour, the car handles easily and if someone
makes a dangerous maneuver you can easily avoid it. The mind works the same
way. You want to train it to slow down so it will not cause you an unneeded
accident and you can open your heart to God’s presence. So, in prayer say the
words slowly so you can gain the full meaning of them and allow them to
penetrate your consciousness and to bring to your heart feelings of love and
reverence for God. Beware of the tendency to rush to complete them hurriedly.
When this happens you have turned your prayer into an obligation, another task
to complete, and it is no longer true prayer. Don’t worry if you catch yourself
doing this. It is normal at first. Just stop, slow down, and then continue
after asking God’s forgiveness and help. You will eventually find the right
pace for yourself. Also, study the prayers before you use them so you know the
meaning of each word. Eventually you will want to memorize them.
After you begin to recite your prayers, you will find
that your mind will want to wander. This means you are still driving at a high
speed. Don’t be concerned about this; it is natural due to our overactive
minds. Work constantly to improve your ability to concentrate your attention on
God and your prayer. When your mind does wander, be gentle with yourself. Think
of God and how He loves you and go back to recite again what you said while
your mind was elsewhere. Bring yourself back to concentrate on God and the
words of the prayer. Sometimes it helps to say your prayers out loud for a
while to help you concentrate. The mind is quite skilled at trying to do more
than one thing at a time. But in reality, you only concentrate on one thing at
a time. You can easily be deceived by the mind as it leaves prayer to focus on
other matters. These wanderings of the mind show you the dimensions of your
busy life and where you need to find ways to make it quieter so you can be
always mindful of God. Prayer is NOT the time to focus on these worldly
activities, because this will only further distract you from prayer. Work to concentrate
your attention more and more
each time you pray. Each day you will gain in your attentiveness during prayer.
When you finish your prayers, stand for a few moments.
Consider to what your prayer life commits you. Try to hold in your heart what
has been given to you. Treasure it for a few moments.
It is important to make your prayer life one that is a
firm rule, a desired habit, and not something that is done occasionally, sporadically
or casually. Pray each and every morning and evening for fifteen minutes at a
minimum. Your prayer rule should include specific
prayers (See the back of this booklet for an example of a beginning prayer
rule). Commit to doing your rule each and every day, just like you are
committed to daily personal hygiene tasks such as brushing your teeth. You
don’t forget to do them each day. You need to make prayer a similar habit, one
that you never forget. Just like brushing our teeth is essential for the health
of our gums and teeth, prayer is essential for the health of our soul.
Persistence and patience in prayer will prepare you for God’s grace to work
within you.
And may the peace of the Lord be always with you.
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