Friday, December 24, 2010

Premature Ovarian Failure Clinical Research Study

The Center for Human Reproduction in New York City is conducting a clinical research trial using DHEA to help lower FSH and restore some ovarian function to women who have been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and have a FSH level of 40 or higher. You don't have to live in NYC to participate. The trial consists of taking a pill (either the medication or a placebo) for 4 months and having blood work done intermittently to monitor changes in hormone levels. The side effects of the medication are minimal and include oily skin and acne (if you are already prone to it) and some hair loss (again, if you are already prone to that). Most women who take the medication do not experience any side effects at all. Participants receive the medication and lab work at no cost. You can contact them via their website ( for more information.

And may the peace of the Lord be always with you.

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